Wutbürger - Meilenstein

The time has come: From digital to physical sound carrier - milestone + bonus is here! Angry citizens start with their first studio long player where the so-called mainstream has lost its objectivity for a long time! With a dramatically swelling announcement by the news anchor, the Berliners, who have a penchant for hearty, classic German rock, start their first entitled "Lügenpresse". The wide-ranging song, led by a crisp riff, already proves that the variety of the title is maintained in the further course of the album. Newly recorded and cleanly mixed songs such as "Who are you" or "I want ins Licht" are easy to listen to and should quickly find favor. Other highlights are the steam ram "Exil", the emotional "Foto" or the acoustic ballad with Julia Juls participates as a guest, which majestically closes the long player. But the boys haven't shot their powder yet. Another and therefore absolute highlight - in addition to the already newly recorded and mixed title "Mörder" there is also a completely new one Remix, in which none other than Bloody32 from Cottbus gets involved. Crunchy beat with "fat" lines by Bloody and robust riffs with Andy in the chorus. Two different styles meet in one song, sometimes something different - really great! Like the "Salz in the wound” they reflect and place the polarization on topics that are by no means always easy to deal with in this country.

1. Lügenpresse

2. Dunkelheit

3. Die Ballade (feat. Julia Juls)

4. Zehdenick

5. 26. Januar

6. Musik

7. Foto

8. Exil 

12 €
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Etat du stock: En stock
