Valhöll - Fast stromlos


Second album from the guys in Valhöll. We at Midgård really appreciated thier first album Staats-Schmutz and this one didn't let us down either!


Top album from a top band released on a top label =) Maybe some day they will be as good as us in Midgård =)


Check out the sample and see for yourself.


01. Kaichen

02. Schafska

03. Arminius

04. Mütsch

05. Der wurm

06. Baltikumer

07. Met

08. Presse - fresse

09. Harm wulf

10. Witthener

11. Verboren

12. Heimkehr





PC Records

12 €
Taxes incluses: 0 €
Etat du stock: En stock
Statut de livraison: # In stock
