Swedish classics - Oldies but goldies

Compilation album with old Swedish classics. A walk down the memory the lane for the older patriots, a welcomed release by the younger ones!


Here you´ll find songs from Dirlewanger, Division S, Pro Patria, Odium, Storm, Totenkopf, Pluton Svea, Storm, Bärsärkarna, Vit Aggression and more. On this album, "Gamla godingar", all songs are performed in Swedish, while on the other album, "Oldies but goldies", all songs are on English.


Two very good albums for the ones that haven´t yet gotten to know the Swedish bands from the late 80´s and early 90´s.

1. Dirlewanger - Unity of Honour

2. Dirlewanger - Things I Remember 

3. Division S - Valhalla

4. Division S - March of Hatred 

5. Svastika - Runes of Power

6. Svastika - Day of the Rope 

7. Totenkopf - My Child

8. Storm - There Comes a Day

9. Storm - Is it too Late?

10. Trueblood - Fade Away 

11. Wietze - Confrontation

12. Wietze - Tall Man Crying

13. Bärsärkarna - Ode to Ian 

14. Steelcapped Strength - Sons of Glory 

15. Vit Aggression - Gods of our Blood 

16. Pluton Svea - Sweden Arise

17. Pluton Svea - Pitbull Power

# Midgård

12 €
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Stock Status: In Stock

