Sokyra Peruna - V Legion (Digi)

Released by Svastone / New CD of the Ukrainian flagship band! 13 songs, including some covers, which were interpreted completely differently in terms of the text. Metal. Rock, folk, BM , this album has it all! As always, cleanly produced and with deep political conviction! Comes in the Digi book.. Very few in stock

01. Джунглі (Jungle)

02. Відродження Європи (European Renaissance)

03. Гомоніла Україна (The Third Cock's Crow)

04. ТНТ (TNT)

05. Легіонер (Legionnaire)

06. Залишенець (Leftover)

07. Святослав (Svyatoslav)

08. Украінский Патріот (Ukrainian Patriot)

09. Києве Мій (My Kyiv)

10. Дайте Собакам (Give Dogs The Meat)

11. Світлодарська Дуга (Svitlodarsk Arc)

12. Слава Героям! (Hail The Heroes!)

13. Ascensio

12.80 €
Including Tax: 0 €
Stock Status: In Stock
Delivery Status: # In stock

