Verszerzödes - Straight, proud and true


Is this hatecore ? Is this heavymetal? One thing is for sure , this is a great cd! If you are into fast and hard music you will totally love this one! The cd contains 15 songs all in English and it comes in a digipack with a booklet with all lyrics.

Trash metal!




01. On the right way

02. Freeddom of speech

03. Survival

04. Nice night

05. Brotherhood

06. Scream and shout

07. Dresden

08. Better dead than red

09. Crossed hammers banner

10. Berserker

11. Strength

12. Who is the one?

13. Speak the truth

14. A vikings prayer

15. The final battle




12 €
Including Tax: 0 €
Stock Status: In Stock
Delivery Status: # In stock
