Wolfdagger - Mud and Mist


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""Wolfdagger- Mud and Mist is now in stock! Throughout our past releases mixed in with the Oi! and RAC, Label 56 has varied from the norm by releasing styles in the electronic and ambient genres from Arysan, Hardline and Argentum. This is yet another new style from Wolfdagger and is called Drum & Bass. This cd is 50 minutes of musical propaganda and is yet another outlet for music. We are happy to be involved with this release as it has an interesting concept for the full length and we love working with bands and projects in various styles. This is a limited edition 100 copy pro cd-r release in an eco jacket so get one while you can.""


Utgivningsår: 2016


01. The Desert Is Yours

02. As Wolves

03. We`ll Crush The Times

04. Kranker

05. Order

06. Wolfdagger

07. Extermination

08. Mud And Mist

09. Tokkotai




79,20 kr
Inklusive moms: 0 kr
Lagerstatus: I lager
Leveransstatus: # I lager
