Übermensch - Naturgewalt

Bang! This album is a album that people all over the world have been waiting for and now has the day come! Boom, Übermensch is back! The title of this album is "Naturgewalt" which roughly means "Nature's violence" and that is just spot on! Track by track literally hammers the message into your head. Take a deep breath before you pushing play, this album have a playtime on over 50 minutes and our friends in Übermensch will for sure not be giving you a chance to catch your breath.

Absolutely recommendation!

01. Auferstanden
02. Aus Ruinen
03. Sage des Seins
04. Ungebrochen
05. Der Eid
06. Schelm und Scheusal
07. Trojaropa
08. Der Waldgang
09. Scheinsein
10. Er gegen sich
11. Die Gestorbene

12 €
Taxes incluses: 0 €
Etat du stock: En stock
Statut de livraison: # In stock

