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2013: What better way to celebrate the band's 20th anniversary than with a new album by the group Neubeginn! 11 rock songs are offered, in the familiar style. Musically you have a powerful troupe from the start, who understand their craft and lyrically they don't let anything go to waste, they point out the problems of the modern age. Friends of the group and/or the old German RAC sound will not be disappointed. 12-page booklet with all texts.
01. Neubeginn
02. Das Mädchen
03. Kleine blutige Hände
04. Vogelfrei
05. Das Kreuz im Hürthgenwald
06. Die ganze Welt sah zu
07. Gothenland
08. Wir sagen nein
09. Wahrheit
10. Hinter den Toren Walhallas
11. Faust auf den Tisch