Wehrmut - Meine treue heisst deutsch

They come with mighty Rommel drums, fast-paced guitar strumming and fanfares: the old warriors from Beeskow! As is well known, those who are said to be dead live longer and so we are presented with the new Wolfskraft... cough... cough... errrrr the new Wehrmut CD. First of all: this album is definitely something special, because our comrade "Pauke", who died far too early, has immortalized his last musical signs of life on record here. Drum interludes that only he could have done (rest in peace)! There are also catchy guitars, lots of playful solos and, on top of that, the familiar voice of the front man. With "Meine Treue heißt deutsch" there is, on the whole, a typically atypical and unexpected musical attack from Beeskow, which will leave a large mark with its hard sound.

Rebel Records

10.40 €
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