Blutstrasse - Treues Heer

This project is almost 20 years old and exactly 15 years after its first publication, Blutstrasse come to the last stand at full throttle and heavy tank guns and shoot their barrage at us that the color runs out of the face of every do-gooder and rotation European. Uncompromising and tough, there is no hesitation here. What we are offered here is in a class of its own. Hard, melodic, guitar work up to doomy riffs as well as calmer tones don't let boredom arise here. Stahlkappenglanz, Ewige Eiche and Last Riot will be guest vocalists. A previously unreleased song from 2008, with the late founding member Sepp on drums, is included here as a bonus track. In memory of him, this song was left in its raw form. For the anniversary there is finally a new logo with a nice spelling. If you don't hit it right away, it's your own fault and you've really missed something. Now it says: ''Wir sind Germaniens treues Heer" (We are Germania's loyal army)

1. Der angriff

2. Ihr untergang

3. Fahnenlied

4. Deutsches herz

5. Treues heer

6. Krach gemacht

7. Heritage

8. Dom tode


9. Kranke welt

Heimdall Versand

9.60 €
Incluindo impostos: 0 €
Status do estoque: Em estoque

