Elbroiber - Die Hosen runter!

"There they are again, the Elbroiber from Magdeburg!

Who would have thought this possible 12 years after their last release? WE of course!

Significantly more mature on the instruments, it gets down to business here in the usual Elbroiber manner, but in terms of voice and pressure it has been screwed up and much more mature! Of course without losing the charm, the snotiness and the fuck-you attitude. Here there are clear middle fingers for all weirdos, whether established or wankers in small circles. However, always fair and lyrically so versed that the disc can be placed on a high level in terms of content.

The album with 15(!!!) songs plus intro comes as a normal CD version.

In the booklet you can see all the lyrics as well as a corresponding layout accompanied by neat image material. Then you realize that the boys live what they sing about!

Both are printed on uncoated paper or the digipac in inside-out printing, with a high gloss finish being intentionally avoided! ;-)

A well-rounded thing that we have been waiting for for a long time, after the boys have already played live for a solid team to board their next boat as support!

Keep going! Please fast!!!!" - Quote label

1. Intro

2. Meer Der Lügen

3. Die Hosen Runter!

4. Mensch

5. Das Ganze Land Verblödet

6. Konsum-Zombie

7. Underdogs-Außenseiter

8. Small Talks

9. Völkerball

10. Egoisten-Staat BRD

11. Zorn Des Kleinen Mannes

12. Sprachzensur 3:41

13 Lieber Tot Als Knecht

14. Deutsche Verzweiflung

15. Sehnsucht

16. Gib Niemals Auf!

Feindkontakt Produktion

10.40 €
Verollisena: 0 €
Varastotilanne: Varastossa
