Ultima Thule / Hel - Genom eld och aska

Split CD between the 2 Vikingrockbands Ultima Thule & Hel. Came direct after Ultima Thule got their studio burned down by reds to get in some fast money to build up a new one. Both unreleased and before released songs. This re-release comes full booklet with lyrics etc.


1. Hel — Res Er Upp
2. Hel — Gryning
3. Hel — Valkyriors Dom
4. Hel — Eldsjäl
5. Ultima Thule — Återtåget
6. Ultima Thule — Svarta Döden
7. Ultima Thule — En Skägglös Dundergud
8. Ultima Thule — My Land
9. Ultima Thule — Frihetssång
10. Ultima Thule — Vi Sålde Våra Hemman
11. Ultima Thule — Stolt
12. Ultima Thule — Svea Saga
13. Ultima Thule — Ragnarök (live)
14. Ultima Thule — First Trime
15. Ultima Thule — Baby Baby
16. Ultima Thule — Friggin In The Riggin
17. Hel — Gryning (demo version)




12 €
Verollisena: 0 €
Varastotilanne: Varastossa
