Unbeliebte Jungs – Wir Bleiben Stehn!

After a 3-year break, the guys from Sonneberg are back and, like on their last CD, you can hear an absolute improvement in the instruments and the vocals. Songs about what happens to one in ones life. Certainly themes that have all been there before, but from the gut, honestly, directly and with appropriate musical accompaniment. The 16-page booklet was provided with photos of the cowardly arson attack from 2020, where the boys lost their home, which is well-known beyond the borders (if you don't put pressure on the landlord, they just let their less well-off idiots off the leash... ). You will also find all 10 songs and a few words from the band in the booklet.

1. Intro

2. Auf Die Neuen Zeiten

3. Treue

4. Tim Und Andere

5. Wir Sind Wie Wir Sind

6. Wir Bleiben Stehn

7. Es Ist Noch Nicht Zu Spät

8. Helden Für Deutschland

9. Nie Im Leben

10. Ich Bin Skin

11. Lieder, Die Das Leben Schreibt

Das Zeughaus

10.40 €
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