Lifa - Hoffnung

Lifa, one of the few female voices in our musical ranks, presents us with “HOFFNUNG”, her second work. What's on offer is melodic and good-humored ROCK, which has gained even more liveliness through the mixture of fast riffs, a bit of heaviness and slightly melancholic moments. The songs, which were developed together with the gentlemen from “Handstreich”, surprise with many instrumental facets and yet they never lose themselves in exaggerated playfulness. Lyrically, Lifa gives us authentic insights into her world of thought: themes such as FREEDOM, the deep love of nature and the constant struggle against “modern madness” are clearly the focus. Emotional, yet clear and calm, observations, beliefs and insights are reflected in the texts, which all men and women who are still sane can easily understand. Incidentally, two of the pieces are follow-up versions with which Lifa and her colleagues clearly acknowledge their musical roots. This CD is rounded off by a very harmonious presentation, which pleasantly underlines the overall impression. Close to home, critical and clearly life-affirming, Lifa offers us a healthy and powerful alternative to the current zeitgeist. Simply recommended!

1. Da will ich sein

2. Wo liegt deine Freiheit?

3. Widerstand  

4. Der Fluch

5. Egoshow

6. Sehnsuchtsort

7. Wiegen

8. Change of Scenery  

9. Alles was ich will

Check out a sample here

PC Records

11.20 €
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