Victory or Violence: The Story of the AWB of South Africa. Arthur Kemp

. The Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging (AWB) and its leader Eugene Terre’Blanche have become famous worldwide as the face of militant Afrikaner nationalism. This is the true story of the origins of that movement, its ideology, activity, membership—and finally, its dramatic activities, which included the most violent and far-reaching terrorism and sabotage campaign in South African history. So serious was the AWB’s campaign of violent resistance against impending ANC rule, that the then government was forced to call out a state of emergency in the many parts of the country, as ANC sabotage squads targeted power networks railway lines, ANC and National Party offices—and more—in a wave of attacks which made all the ANC’s previous efforts at “armed resistance” pale into insignificance.

Read here of the early founding of the AWB, the backgrounds of its leading characters, the increasing militancy which accompanied the then government’s political reform program, the development of the movement’s ideological basis, and finally, the turn to violent resistance as the program to hand over control of the country to the ANC speeded up.

No understanding of South Africa’s history is complete without this largely eyewitness account of hard-line Afrikaner resistance to the end of white rule.

This 2021 edition contains three new chapters, and 153 rare and exclusive illustrations and photographs

386 pages. Paperback..

18.40 €
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Stato Stock: In stock

