We Want War - Erratic

The waiting has finally an end! The new We Want War disc is here ! The Swedish Metal Band is back with their 4 album. 10 songs will guide you thru the illness of this world. With hard riffs, smashing drums and vocals that know to surprise is the band clearly on the march forward to victory. Every song has it’s own way to tell a story and brings a clear message to all of you. With “The Flatlander”, WWW added also a guest singer to 2 of their songs and that was an absolute success, especially at the Final War cover “Tales of Honor”, which turned our as one of the best covers we ever heard. The whole thing was rounded up by a great booklet design.. We hope you’ll love it as much as we do! Tinnitus Records

1. Erratic

2. Hollow world

3. Tomorrow never comes

4. The wanderer

5. Nordic myth

6. Anti antifa

7. New wrold order

8. Eighty eight

9. I am made of

10. Tales of honour

11.20 €
Tasse incluse: 0 €
Stato Stock: In stock
Stato di Consegna: # disponibile

