Testvériség - Nem bántam meg semmit


Two veterans of the Hungarian scene, known from NC ’38 and early Valhalla, are back with new momentum, new songs and new musicians in 2016. This is Testvériség! The debut album contains 8 original songs and a Bound for Glory cover! If you are into powerful rock music, cozy backing vocals, you cannot go wrong, if you buy this CD.

Release year: 2016

01. Nem vagyunk egyformák
02. Azok a napok
03. Élj úgy
04. Kelenföld '90
05. Tetszhalott nemzet
06. A látszat csal
07. Túl sokáig
08. 46 év a pokolban (Bound for Glory cover)
09. Vallomás




12 €
Tasse incluse: 0 €
Stato Stock: In stock
Stato di Consegna: # disponibile
