Blutbanner - Aus Feuern werden Brande

Finally! Mighty Blutbanner is back with a new full length album. This is good, very good! Well played RAC with a slightly tocuh of metal makes a perfect match with the clear voice on vocals. WE are sure that all fans of Blutbanner or just fans of german RAC will appreciate this one!

01. Zeitzeugen einer Zeitenwende
02. Tiger & Wolf - Ehre wem Ehre gebührt
03. Sturz des Blutgerichts
04. Schweizertugend
05. Not
06. Esperanto
07. Lebensbaum
08. Blitze über weitem Lande
09. Die Umkehr des Dorns
10. Mutter
11. Nur Sie!

12. Als Blutbanner wehten

Gjallarhorn Klangschmiede

11.20 €
Tasse incluse: 0 €
Stato Stock: In stock
Stato di Consegna: # disponibile

