White Family - Niepoprawni

White Family is a fresh R.A.C. band from Poland, their debut CD was released in 2022 as a joint release from Nordic Sun Records and Crime Think Productions.  The name of the band is no coincidence either, here you have a father and his son rocking together! The booklet contains photos and the lyrics of the politically incorrect songs are translated into English. An Azyl P. and a Skrewdriver cover are also on the CD, which is worth giving a chance.

01. Niepoprawni (Incorrect)
02. LGBT Trad (LGBT Leprosy)
03. Tolek
04. Zdrajca (Traitor)
05. Wrogie Narody (Enemies Nations)
06. Czerwone Psy (Red Bastards)
07. RPA
08. Przyjacielu (My Friend)
09. Adopcja (Adoption)
10.Slogany (Slogans)
11.Buty Czerwone (Azyl P. cover)
12.Stand Proud (Skrewdriver cover)
13.Adopcja (Punk version)
14.Przyjacielu (Rehearsal version)


Nordic Sun Records Budapest

10.40 €
inkl. MwSt.: 0 €
Lagerbestand: An lager
Lieferstatus: # In stock

